Caulder approached Todd this morning as he was making breakfast with a sippy cup and the spray butter that he had gotten from the fridge. "Please?" was his simple plea. Cute.... My son loves butter, so this wasn't too weird, except when I think of him actually drinking butter from his cup. EEKK!! Life has been full of kids. The girls are off track and Savannah has been keeping us all on a schedule. We had a few days at the beginning of this "vacation" period where I let us be free. No schedules, no hassles, except for the things that were no option activities like Claire's Yes Company rehearsals, Savannah's piano lessons, both the girls dance classes and Caulders naps. I don't give up naps!! Anyway, within those 2 days Savannah was going buggy!! She decided to come up with her own schedule. It went something like this: get up, do math, do PE, do social studies, do reading, do writing, do music, do art, watch TV, and play on the computer. It also included weekly field trips and 2 friend play dates per week. Needless to say, we compromised and came up with a schedule that she and the rest of the family could handle. I kept thinking "Man, this girl loves school!" She has such a great teacher this year who has really given her a new enthusiasm for learning and especiually for reading. She has read several books already since she has been off track. Claire is really enjoying her Yes Company rehearsals. Their performance of the Jungle Book is later this month. Claire was cast as a Bumble Bee. Both of the girls are really enjoying their friends, and Caulder is having a ball!! We spent last monday at Fun Works (for our field trip,) and he was in heaven! He also really loves shoes, popcorn, and eating markers.

Saturday night the girls had Jade and Cambrie Stacey over for a "girls night." They put on a whole Hannah Montana concert in the playroom and ate pizza and watched "Fish Tales." They really get along well together. This week we are looking forward of the arrival of Dani and Regan on Wednesday. That's all the girls can talk about!