Sunday, December 28, 2008

Pace Fam's Christmas

This Christmas we had a special guest come, Grandma Shirley. For Christmas, Savannah got Ipod speakers,Claire got a Cotten Candy maker and Caulder got tons of chocolate which he just malled.


By: Savannah Pace

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Month Of December

This is me, Savannah. In the month of December, my mom had a Preschool Program and we all had a bunch of Christmas parties.

I also had a Kitten Chior featuring 2 songs called Red And Green and Pinata and 31 third grade girls performed in the choir. Some of my favorite girls were Hailey Weltmer, Hanna Lazconnie, Lauren Linn, and Vanessa Fernandez. It was a great choir.


By: Savannah Pace Hope you enjoyed the videos!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Ward Christmas Party

The ward christmas party was this past friday night, and as always, our family had a really fun time. There was food and a program and of course, Santa. This was Caulder's first conscious Santa lap-sit. He wasn't too excited to see the jolly fellow, but sat still long enough for a picture.

Random December Pictures

Savannah made us delicious red and green christmas pancakes on sunday morning!

Caulder and Blythe are the best of friends. It's crazy how excited Caulder gets when I tell him that he gets to play with her!

The budding computer enthusiast!

Gingerbread Men

This year we decided to use the extra gingerbread cookies from our huge batch to give them to our neighbors and friends with extra frosting and candies. We took pictures of our own decorating. Caulder really got into it. He enjoyed the plain cookie until he tasted the frosting and then he just kept having the girls put more on as fast as he could lick it off.

Fun with Shapes

These pictures were taken this past week on one of those "I don't care if it's messy, let's just have fun" mom days. I wish we had more of them, cause just check out that smile!!

Savannah's field trip

I had the joy of accompanying Savannah on her field trip to Knights Ferry this past week. I love to share in those one on one moments with my kids and it's fun to see them in their element with their friends. I am proud of her and the wonderful friend she is to the kids in her class and the amazing helper she is to her teacher.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


The girls got early cousin christmas gifts and all got the same dress ups.

Grandpa, Tami and Grandma hanging out at Tami's house before the big thanksgiving meal!
This Thanksgiving we went to Tami's and Mike's house. On the way, we stopped at Debbie and Rolan's new house and had a lot of fun with them and we got to see Aislyn's Thanksiving play at her school.

We also got to see Henry, Amara, and all of the other cousins. We got to see the two babies blessings on saturday.

We played Switch with all of our cousins. I got two dress ups from the movie High School Musical from Jessica and and two of my other cousins got the same thing! Claire got a High School Musical 3 make up kit from Victoria.

Grandma and Grandpa rented us some big bouncey houses and slides that we played with in the church gym while the adults talked and made food. We had a blast! Thanks grandma!

Aislyn, Kallie, Claire, Macy, and I got to put on a play called Forest Changes. Aislyn was a fish, a poor girl, and a Butterfly, Kallie was a poor girl and a peacock, Macy was the director, Claire was a caterpillar, a tiger and a butterfly and last but not least, ME! I was a bird and a homless girl. It was a great show!

While we were at Tami and Mike's we played with all 27 cousins non-stop! The adults speant time shopping, playing games, and talking.

This Thanksgiving I am thankful for my house because it has been pretty cold outside.
I am thankful for my cousins to play with and my family because it rocks!
By: Savannah Pace

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

We visit Napa while the Houser girls visit

This past weekend mom and dad took off for a short trip to Napa after getting us comfortable with Dani and Reagen who flew out to watch us. They visited an italian castle (which also happened to be a winery,) went to the beach, played golf, hiked around Jack London State Park, ate great food, saw "007," and missed us a lot. Meanwhile, back at home, we went to the park two times, went to Fun Works, rented Kung Fu Panda and Tinkerbell from Redbox, ate lots of candy, played outside (the weather was SOOOOO WARM,) did gymnastics,and had fun with our cousins.

When mom and dad got home saturday night they took us out to dinner and then to see Madagascar 2 at the movie theater. Dani and Regean had to go home on Sunday, but we sure had a good time with them while they were here. Hopefully they come back out to see us again really soon! We get to see them next week in Utah. We can't wait to see all of our Cousins and our Grandma and Grandpa, and Aunts and Uncles. I think we will have fun!

By Savannah Pace

Sunday, November 9, 2008

"Spray butter in my sippy cup, please."

Caulder approached Todd this morning as he was making breakfast with a sippy cup and the spray butter that he had gotten from the fridge. "Please?" was his simple plea. Cute.... My son loves butter, so this wasn't too weird, except when I think of him actually drinking butter from his cup. EEKK!! Life has been full of kids. The girls are off track and Savannah has been keeping us all on a schedule. We had a few days at the beginning of this "vacation" period where I let us be free. No schedules, no hassles, except for the things that were no option activities like Claire's Yes Company rehearsals, Savannah's piano lessons, both the girls dance classes and Caulders naps. I don't give up naps!! Anyway, within those 2 days Savannah was going buggy!! She decided to come up with her own schedule. It went something like this: get up, do math, do PE, do social studies, do reading, do writing, do music, do art, watch TV, and play on the computer. It also included weekly field trips and 2 friend play dates per week. Needless to say, we compromised and came up with a schedule that she and the rest of the family could handle. I kept thinking "Man, this girl loves school!" She has such a great teacher this year who has really given her a new enthusiasm for learning and especiually for reading. She has read several books already since she has been off track. Claire is really enjoying her Yes Company rehearsals. Their performance of the Jungle Book is later this month. Claire was cast as a Bumble Bee. Both of the girls are really enjoying their friends, and Caulder is having a ball!! We spent last monday at Fun Works (for our field trip,) and he was in heaven! He also really loves shoes, popcorn, and eating markers. Saturday night the girls had Jade and Cambrie Stacey over for a "girls night." They put on a whole Hannah Montana concert in the playroom and ate pizza and watched "Fish Tales." They really get along well together. This week we are looking forward of the arrival of Dani and Regan on Wednesday. That's all the girls can talk about!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Little Curran

Halloween Parties and Our Vacation

We have been keeping busy attending a bunch of parties. The ones we liked most are the ward party and Currans birthday. Jodi made us a super superman cake and we enjoyed it. It was very nice of her to think of us and our boy. We miss our baby Curr-t because he meant a lot of things to us.

For Halloween, Savannah is Mitchie from Camp Rock, Claire is a Silvermist fairy and Caulder is a very cute golfer. We liked the ward party because we had a lot of fun with a lot of friends. At the ward party we went trunk or treating and got a lot of candy and we all enjoyed it.

Savannah and Claire just went off track for five weeks. On our vancation, we are going to Utah to spend some time with our family for Thanksgiving. Dani and Reagen are also coming out to visit us too. We are going to have a vacation filled with fun!

1st post Written by Savannah

Sunday, October 19, 2008

his own language...

Caulder's speech has really taken off lately, so I thought I'd post some funny shots of me trying to get this milestone on video....

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Story about cereal from a 6 year old

I just had to write this story down. Last sunday Claire and I were making Crunchy Fudge Sandwiches, one of our favorite dessert treats where you have to pour melted butterscotch chips and peanut butter over rice krispy's. At this particular step in the process, Claire looks in the bowl and says, "I wouldn't like being a rice krispy. That sauce looks heavy." I then said, "But Claire, then you could lick all the yummy sauce off of yourself." She paused, and then said, "But then I would get eaten by big people and die! But that actually wouldn't be so bad, 'cause then I would get to see Curr-t!" I love the way her little mind thinks!!

The rest of the week was pretty much a blur. Except today, which was utterly delightful. I sure love our sundays off. It's such relaxing day to not have to do anything! Savannah made her famous and very yummy pancakes all by herself as she does most sunday mornings when this early bird rises and the rest of the family is still sleeping! Then I lounged around listening to the sounds of my happy children playing upstairs before we had to get ready for church. Now, this is a very rare occurance, so I relished in it! Just yesterday I took Claire and Savannah on some one on one time to the new Justice store here, and had to referee from the front seat, a fight that had broken out in the rear seat involving biting and poking and yelling at each other. The rest of the trip was fun, though. The girls are getting so old and are learning to be fantastic shopping buddies to their mom. Yesterday morning Todd and I went and played our first 18 hole golf course together since living in Utah. We had so much fun! And the kids had their favorite babysitter which made it all the more wonderful and relaxing! Caulder is at a new stage that involves lots of shoes, light switches and climbing of anything!! He can now manuever our playground ladder and freaks mom out when she all of a sudden she sees him all the way up in the treehouse when she had only turned around for a second. His vocabulary is also growing. He says many words and is trying to say a whole lot more. I love this age, although he keeps me very busy with his "boy-destructive" mode.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Illness, awards, teething, friends, fun

This week was mostly spent getting back into the swing of having mom and Caulder home. They got back monday night after a ton of fun in Denver playing with the cousins and their families. Thank you Javan and Jamin for a great weekend. You guys are such awesome hosts. Thanks to Jamin, especially, for not sending me home with blue teeth! We had a blast with your beautiful families!

We added preschool, college class, Annie's flu, Caulders tooth, Claire and Savannah's friends and their movie party, and a school assembly to the regular everyday craziness at our house, and it was an eventful week!! We are glad to have our family all together again. It definitely makes us realize that there is no place on earth we would rather be.

Monday, September 15, 2008

It's been awhile

I have been meaning to update for so long and it just keeps getting shoved to the bottom of my to do list.

Life is good for the Pace family. The summer was filled with swimming, birthday parties, camping and trips. We were very blessed to have endured each of those things without many trials along the way.

Caulder and I have been little domestic airplane frequent fliers as we are currently on our third out of four trips to take place within a months time. Flying to Denver, North Carolina, Washington, and next week back to Denver. Caulder has really gotten the hang of sitting on mom's lap for over an hour or more on the airplanes, sleeping in different places and eating out a lot. He also enjoys our layovers in various airports where I let him run wild to expell some energy while I run behind him. He figured out that the one place I can't follow him is into the men's bathroom, though, and tends to seek it out when hanging out in the terminal just so he can see my reaction when he heads that direction. Smart boy.

We sure miss our Todd and girls when we are gone, though. It makes us appreciate them even more when we are all together as a family.

Savannah and Claire both started dance again in this fall and Savannah is continuing her piano lessons. Savannah is now in third grade and Claire in first. I can't believe how fast they are gorwing up!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Kids beach days at school

The girls enjoyed a fun packed last week of school. They both celebrated beach days with a ton of water activities, game days, movies, ice cream, pizza, and loads of fun! I can't believe my babies will be in first and third grade in a couple of weeks. Both girls had terrific teachers, Miss Mitchell and Mrs. Williams this year and really enjoyed learning. Claire can now read and write and do simple math. We are working on her handwriting. Savannah LOVES to write stories and especially songs. She is excellent at Math as well. We are working on getting her to love reading more and have it be less of a chore. We look forward to a lot of fun for the summer break!

Father's day

Todd had a great Fathers day. We started out with a pancake breakfast in bed with a few homemade gifts from the kids, some new ties for church, and a picture of the kids and I for his desk at work. We let him enjoy a nap after church and a rib dinner was brbecued for dinner. Caulder had his first taste of ribs, and boy did he love it and get sooooo messy. We have the best daddy in the whole world, and I hope he knows it!!

Claire's Birthday

Claire turned 6 on June 4th. The day started out with a classic breakfast in bed full of way too much sugar ala Claire style. It was followed by mom bringing cupcakes to school to share with friends, and then an attempt to make a Gumball cake. The attempt failed, and we were lucky for a grocery store nearby to replace the "fallen" cake quickly. Claire wasn't too upset. We had some close friends and neighbors to help us eat the cake and celebrate with Claire. On the weekend she took her "best friend," (at the moment,) to John's Incredible Pizza and had a blast eating, playing games, and enjoying a few rides. They ended the day with some posing in the glow in the dark mini golf area and some HUGE ice cream sundaes.

Night at the ballfield

The girls did enough reading at school to earn free Modesto Nuts (yes, that is actually our local baseball team's name,) tickets and a chance to parade onto the field. The had a blast! I think their favorite part was the free hot dogs and soft drinks that came with the ticket, and sitting with all of their friends. Savannah and Claire even took extra allowance money so they could buy cotton candy for themselves and some of their friends.