I just had to write this story down. Last sunday Claire and I were making Crunchy Fudge Sandwiches, one of our favorite dessert treats where you have to pour melted butterscotch chips and peanut butter over rice krispy's. At this particular step in the process, Claire looks in the bowl and says, "I wouldn't like being a rice krispy. That sauce looks heavy." I then said, "But Claire, then you could lick all the yummy sauce off of yourself." She paused, and then said, "But then I would get eaten by big people and die! But that actually wouldn't be so bad, 'cause then I would get to see Curr-t!" I love the way her little mind thinks!!
The rest of the week was pretty much a blur. Except today, which was utterly delightful. I sure love our sundays off. It's such relaxing day to not have to do anything! Savannah made her famous and very yummy pancakes all by herself as she does most sunday mornings when this early bird rises and the rest of the family is still sleeping! Then I lounged around listening to the sounds of my happy children playing upstairs before we had to get ready for church. Now, this is a very rare occurance, so I relished in it! Just yesterday I took Claire and Savannah on some one on one time to the new Justice store here, and had to referee from the front seat, a fight that had broken out in the rear seat involving biting and poking and yelling at each other. The rest of the trip was fun, though. The girls are getting so old and are learning to be fantastic shopping buddies to their mom. Yesterday morning Todd and I went and played our first 18 hole golf course together since living in Utah. We had so much fun! And the kids had their favorite babysitter which made it all the more wonderful and relaxing! Caulder is at a new stage that involves lots of shoes, light switches and climbing of anything!! He can now manuever our playground ladder and freaks mom out when she all of a sudden she sees him all the way up in the treehouse when she had only turned around for a second. His vocabulary is also growing. He says many words and is trying to say a whole lot more. I love this age, although he keeps me very busy with his "boy-destructive" mode.
That little Claire is always thinkin'! Look at you hot mama in the pink golf shoes! Ronnie keeps wanting me to learn golf, i'm just not so sure about that "sport". Maybe you could teach me to like it!
Becca you are one of the cutest people I know!! How fun that you guys got to go golfing. I love going with my hubby too. I need lessons. Are you still wanting to take them with me and Sabrina? Soon we will be better than our men :)
Hi Sis...good to see pics of your beautiful kids, and you! You still look like you're 15. Call me back when you get a sec, k? I miss you. Love, Me
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