Sunday, May 24, 2009

This Weekend

This weekend has been full of excitment and catching up with my girls because Todd and Caulder went to North Carolina and so we had some GNO (girls night out) time. We have watched movies, gone to the mall (bling bling), and loving time. My girls have this Monday off of school so we are going to go see Hannah Montana the movie with some friends and then going over for a playdate. We are going to have an awesome weekend!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Savannah's 9th Birthday

My baby is nine! I can't belive how old she is getting and much more helpful she is around the house. She actually turned nine on April 5th, but i have not updated my blog for so long.

She had her birthday at the bowling alley, no, she had a HORSE themed birthday party at the bowling alley. She invited six of her friends to her party, Hailey, Jade, Cambrie, Alexus, Paetyn, and Timea. We had a blast!

Since she is nine, she got her own bedroom but Claire has a frequency to have to have someone to snuggle so she sleeps with Claire.