My friend, Julie, told me last night that the first thing I need to mention and announce on here is that for those of you who don't already know, I am pregnant. Not only am I pregnant, We are having twins. They are due in Sept and we are told they are both boys. The pregnancy has gone well so far except for the double dose of symptoms. I was doubly morning sick for the first 4 months and now am doubley big with double the movement so double the soreness and nausesness. I can't complain though, because I feel doubley blessed.
I will now attempt to catch up on some fun things through pictures since that is why we all truly log on to each others blogs right? Here are pictures:
Preschool continues to go well. Four more weeks! Here is our youngest student... Caul-J
Birth of 5 butterflies. Savannah raised them from caterpillars thanks to a birthday present from Ginny and Abby. It was awesome to see them hatch from their cocoons.
Cinco De Mayo Party at the GY's. We had a blast with great friends, although Caulder wasn't so excited about the giant water slides!
Mother's day breakfasts with the kids in their classrooms.