Sunday, May 23, 2010

Savannah, Claire, Caulder, Treyton, and Sutter.

Hi, this is Savannah. I am just her because I am feeling the need the change up the blog a little bit. It doesn't sound very fun... but it's fun to me!!!!! I am going to change the background and the settings. I saw one of my friend's blogs and it inspired me. Come and check the blog out tomorrow to see how much I changed (sorry this blog post isn't as interesting!). Bye!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Fun Outside On A Hot Day

One day this last week we had a lot of fun in our neighbor's yard that is filled with roses of three different colors, pink, red, and white. I took a lot of photos but these were my three favorites. The flowers are beautiful and lush. I hope you like the pics!

Family Walk To Get Donuts

This morning, me and my family went o a walk to get donuts. I know, it seema almost impossible having 5 kids but we made it. We had Caulder and the twins in the triple stroller and me and Claire rode our bikes and my parenst ran along side that. It was a lot of fun and excercise. I am glad we did it and now I feel a lot healthier. Thanks mom and dad!

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Hi, this is Savannah. I am bord :(. I am just feeling like I want to edit the blog. I will edit the blog tomorrow with a more interesting topic, ok? Tootles!