Caulder found and LOVES the dishwasher!
He also LOVES his sisters!
"looking up to" Claire as she does her hair.
They dish it out right back when they make him dress up as their prince!
We have had
Savannah's birthday
then Grandpa Con and Grandma Gloria (the girls can't get enough of her bedtime s
we had Au
Savannah's baptism was wonderful with so many family and friends there. We are so proud of her! Afterwards she chose to host a fantastic barbecue with all her friends and their families. She was the center of attention, as it should be, and loved every minute of it!
This last photo was taken of Caulder staring out the window as daddy left for a church meeting... He adores his dad!
The girls, Grandpa and Todd played hookie from school and work to spend their monday in Monterey, which was fun although quite a bit of driving for an afternoon in the sand. And yes, gas is two cents more expensive for all of you because we are still blowing through it despite record prices!
Caulder is working on his fourth tooth in two weeks, and has earned a new nickname- "Turbo." He crawls from room to room before you can blink!
Claire recently dropped off the monkey bars onto her stomach and arm, and fractured her wrist. Puts her in a gel cast for 3 weeks! She was excited to show it off to her friends at school, but was pretty disappointed when she found out she couldn't go to gymnastics! She is still as sweet as ever and so is her cereal. This morning she poured herself some rice chex and then asked if she could have sugar on it. I told her she could have 1 spoonful. She proceeded to go to the untensil drawer and pull out one of my large serving spoons! Can't pull anything past that one!!
Savannah is a very big and mature 8 year old. She has been a big help in the mornings with Caulder when he wakes up before mom or dad, by taking him from his crib and bringing him in to me in bed. What service! I couldn't ask for a better deal!