Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Conversations with my Claire

This is my picture of the week. Man, I love these babies...

I have to relay a funny conversation I had with Claire this morning so that I have it written down and don't forget it. So many times we recieve very funny insights into her mind by the things she says, and I don't write them down and later wish I had.... So here goes... I'm in the kitchen doing dishes and she is finishing watching a Dora television showwhen she says...

Claire: "Mom, I'd be lucky if I had 17 fingers."

Me: Why do you wish you had 17 fingers?

Claire: Then I could have each finger do something different and I could do 17 things all at the same time.

Me: Sounds good. But why do you need to do 17 things all at one time?"

Claire: Because it's better than 10 things.

Case closed. She's right! I just wonder where she comes up with this stuff out of the blue? Do you think my endless multitasking is rubbing off on her? My quirky Claire. We just have to love her!


Jodee said...

she cracks me up!

Jules said...

We miss quirky Claire!! She's so dang cute! How'd she come up with 17? Random!! Funny girl!

Lammis said...

So cute! She is a smart girl to come up with that. So how come I can't do 10 things at once?