Hi, this is savannah, as you might have guessed and I am going to tell you about what me and my mom and sister and tons of my cousins did. Here are some of my photos from Disneyland...
How fun! What could be better than spending all day at the happiest place on earth, especially when you're with your cousins! And Becca, that picture of you and Curran that's posted on the side bar is by far my favorite. So peaceful and it captures so much love..
i love make up, boys, my cell phone,hanging out with my friends, and e-mail!
Claire Bear
hi! i love surfing, sharks, and my class and teacher at school. my fav. movies are.....jumunji, unocompained minors,princess, fred,and and soul surfer.
you gotta love me! talk to me in heaven see you soon!
curran's symbol
hey this is my symbol! i must have had a family that loves me to put it on the back of our car!
What's up J-Bird fans? i am into motercycles and when u get one........call me!
Who's up for a game of T-ster? and you gotta love me! i like almo and look just like my bro. we are ferternal!
Sutter Bug
They got the name because I am so snuggly and i am nice to every one! i love almo and i am a big softy.
Savannah- we loved seeing you, Claire and your momma in Cali! So much fun, I can't believe how brave you were...I was always a little chicken!
How fun! What could be better than spending all day at the happiest place on earth, especially when you're with your cousins! And Becca, that picture of you and Curran that's posted on the side bar is by far my favorite. So peaceful and it captures so much love..
Helloski!! Where is the link to my blog??? Didnt the chocolates i gave you constitute us as friends???:) LOve ya bec!!!
I miss Disneyland.:( Hey when are you going to update your blog woman? I really missed you girls this week for Bachelor. :(
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