Sunday, March 1, 2009

Catching up on our february.

I promised myself I wouldn't read anyone else's blogs this week until I had updated mine. The scenario always goes something like this.... I get online, I pull up my blog, I start down my list of links for my friends and families blogs, I get to about Crosby family and have to make dinner and eat dinner, then I come back, and I get to the Kroutil's blog with my reading and have to stop to get the kids to bed, then I come back and finish reading blogs and remind myself I haven't checked my email or facebook recently and after reading the 40 emails and responding on facebook it's 11 and My eyes are tooo woozy to find anything interesting to write on my blog. So, today I'm trying a new schedule. I will inivitably have to stop to make dinner and put the kids to bed but I might just get through updating this by the time 11 rolls around...

Sorry, for the long diatribe of explanations... Our family has been busy living life. Here is some pictures representing some of the fun stuff that has been keeping us happy...

Bachelor nights take place every monday night at my house and they have been so much fun!! They keep me very happy!!

Kara and Mimi's xtra fun treats!

Caulder had ear tubes placed in his ears this month due to his recurrent ear infections. It was the first time we had had any of our children have surgery at the hospital since Curran, so it was very hard for me. The surgery took 15 minutes and the surgical center in Turlock did such a fantastic job handling me and my paranoias. They let me hold him all the way to the OR and then I talked to him until he fell asleep on the operating table. When the surgery was over I was able to be right by his bed as he woke up.

The beautiful center where he had his surgery.

After: Happy boy!

Caulder HATED everything about the hospital, especially the gown.

DISNEYLAND!!! I know Savannah posted a little about this earlier, but I had to add my pics and comments! It was a blast. What could be more fun than disneyland?? Well, trying going with all of your best friends (who also happen to be your sisters and your mom) and all of their cute girls! We had a such an amazing time and made a lot of eternal memories. Here are some:

My little learners preschool keeps me busy on tues and thurs mornings. Here are couple of my fav pics from feb:

My Mels...

My Kyle...

And another funny one of Melanie. They make me smile each and every school day!

Yes, the ice cream man has already hit the streets of our town and the kids are so excited! I hardly ever let them get ice cream. I try to keep it special. This day I was in a particularly good mood and decided "Oh, well."

Mara took a special trip to my house on the way to disneyland. It was so much fun spending that one on one time with her and her girls. We took a little walk to see the horses that live near our house and took some pics. She also accompanied me on the drive to so-cal to meet up with everyone else and I thoroughly enjoyed our chat amongst the interesting smells along the journey, sleeping girls and poltergist-type outbursts from Claire in the backseat. Fun memories!

Well, thanks for enduring (or at least scrolling to the end to see how long this post actually is.) Our Feb was fun.


The Robinson's said...

Hi Becca,
It's Juanita (Shannon's mom), your blog is so much fun to read! I came across it a while back.
Love the all girl trip to Disneyland!!! That must've been tons of fun! Savannah sure has grown quite a bit, she sure is a pretty girl, Claire is so cute, and Caulder is a big boy now! He looks like your husband.
Take care.

Arianne Lewis said...

Very cute- I had tubes put in my ears 4 times growing up but no permanent trauma here so im sure he'll be fine-

Holly said...

I know Caulder hated the hospital but that picture is priceless! I cana't imagine how hard it must have been to have another child in surgery. You are resiliant! I loved the family Disneyland trip. I look forward to doing that with my kiddos.

Anna said...

Hey Busy lady....glad you stopped reading all your blogs and finally posted one of your own!!! Now, I need to follow your example...when I finish reading through my list :). Always love seeing what you are up to!

Debbie said...

Cute Girls! I miss Disneyland when I look at your blog. We have been good about going every year, but didn't go last due to the new baby. I think Kelly and I like it there more than the kids. ha ha
Hope things are good.

foreveryoung said...

Another fun and busy month at the Pace home! Poor little Caulder, the look on his face is heartbreaking. I can imagine how hard it would be for you, but I'm sure it was comforting knowing you would be leaving with him in your arms. After seeing all your Disneyland pictures it's making me want to plan a trip there, so fun! Hope you're doing good ;)